Celebrating Success

Celebrating Success

CONGRATULATIONS to our students on their results. I am so pleased for you all and thanks for keeping in touch and sharing your result success with us. At NEGU Tuition Services things can get very busy. Sometimes I wonder if it is all worth it. Then I get a brilliant...
Best Websites for Lockdown Learning …..Still good now!

Best Websites for Lockdown Learning …..Still good now!

What we did. When we went into lockdown we knew that the need for online learning was at an all-time high. From Early Years to GCSE, everyone was feeling the strain and eager to keep students engaged and learning as best they can. That was when we posted a blog of...

Online Mock 11+ Exam Dates Released

I am pleased to announce the dates for our online mock 11+ exams this summer. I can appreciate that early access to these dates can enable you to make plans for the summer. Mocks take place on different days and times to match your availability. These provide an ideal...
The Value of Mock 11+ Exams

The Value of Mock 11+ Exams

Obviously, being the director of a private tuition business, I have lots of useful knowledge about the 11+ entrance exam. I thought that some of you parents and guardians might like some help in this area. What is 11+? The 11+ exam is an exam used to select...
The Difference Between a Tutor and a Teacher

The Difference Between a Tutor and a Teacher

This is a question that many parents ask me so I thought I would it would be a good idea to write a blog on this. What is the point? All professionals in education have a common aim, to ensure that the student progresses to the best of their ability. Teachers tend to...